SaaSquatch Help Center

Fulfillment is the process of making sure people can use the rewards they earn. People can earn rewards from referring their friends, and in some cases can get a reward just from being referred. Rewards can be discounts, credit, gift cards, points and many other things. In this guide, we explain some of the ways that fullfillment can be implemented in your program.


Fulfillment is the process of making sure people can use the rewards they earn from referrals.

🔗 Guides

The easiest way to start exploring the topic of fulfillment is to start with one of the getting started guides. These guides provide step-by-step instructions for how to implement some of the most popular types of referral program rewards.

SaaSquatch also has some connectors for payment systems for companies wishing to run a "Give 10%, get 10%" style referral program. These connectors automate fulfillment by automatically creating coupon codes and invoice line items for rewards earned from the referral program. These connectors also automate some parts of conversion tracking, attribution and identification.

🔗 Pro & Enterprise Options

Fulfillment automation can be one of the biggest challenges of running a referral program. The Pro and Enterprise plans of Referral SaaSquatch come with a lot of flexibility to help make this process and streamlined as possible for companies with the challenges of enterprises and high volume accounts.

  • Coupon codes limits
  • SaaSquatch credit tracking
  • Discount synchronizing
  • Turnkey connectors
  • Gift card automation
  • Voucher automation
  • Coupon upload
  • Batch CSVs
  • Synchronizations jobs