SaaSquatch Help Center

This guide outlines the basic steps needed to leverage your existing Google Tag Manager to run your referral program on your website.

đź”— 1. Create a tag

  1. Create a new tag.
  2. For the tag type, select Custom HTML.
  3. Drop in the code for the squatch.js init call.

// Include squatch.js
!function(a,b){a("squatch","",b)}(function(a,b,c){var d,e,f;c["_"+a]={},c[a]={},c[a].ready=function(b){c["_" + a].ready =  c["_" + a].ready || [];c["_" + a].ready.push(b);},e=document.createElement("script"),e.async=1,e.src=b,f=document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0],f.parentNode.insertBefore(e,f)},this);

// Push user details for a user who is logged in to your system
// Your tenant alias can be found under Settings -> General
          tenantAlias: 'test_bpinhag9yagag'
// Define your user object 
let userObj = {
      id: '5678',
      accountId: 'abc',
      email: '',
      firstName: 'Bob'

// Upsert the user to SaaSquatch

đź”— 2. Add a trigger

How your signup flow works will change what kind of trigger you will need to use.

In many cases the signup flow makes use of a confirmation page that congratulates the user on their successful signup. For this flow, you can use a trigger of type “Page View” which fires on “Some Page Views”. Select “Page URL contains” as the conditional event trigger.

đź”— 3. Add Google Tag manager code to your pages

GTM recommends placing the required code snippet immediately after the opening <body> tag on each page.

This code can be found in the Admin > Install Google Tag Manager section of the GTM portal.