SaaSquatch Help Center

Repeat Purchase Offer Program

Reward customers for making multiple purchases.


🔗 Use Cases

The Repeat Purchase Offer Reward Program is perfect for:

  • Encouraging users to make multiple purchases
  • Increasing customer activation
  • Rewarding customer loyalty

🔗 Quickstart

  1. Select the number of purchases required for a customer to receive a reward.

  2. Choose a value and type of reward you would like to provide to the eligible customer.

  3. Configure the email sent to customers who successfully earned a reward for their repeat purchasing. (This email can also be disabled)

  4. Enable the program from the Program Management screen.

🔗 How it works

When a participant makes a purchase it is registered in the SaaSquatch system.

The SaaSquatch system monitors whether this user made the required number of purchases set in the Program Reward Rules. If the customer has purchased the required number of times, they are notified by email (if enabled) that the reward has been added to their account balance and is available for their use.

🔗 Required User Information

The Repeat Purchase Offer Program relies on a custom user field, typically called purchaseNumber, to know how many purchases a user has made. With this information the program is able to evaluate whether they should receive a reward for the number of purchase they have made (i.e. get an extra reward after their 6th purchase).

🔗 Supported Rewards

SaaSquatch's API-based programs provide the power and flexibility to customize the type of reward that you would like to provide to customers who have purchased the required number of times. These include:

  • Dollar Credit
  • Percent Discount
  • Points
  • New Custom Reward Code Fueltank
  • Arbitrary Rewards

🔗 Example Email

Repeat Purchase